Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hiking to Donut Falls

This weekend we went on our first adventure up the canyon for a little hike. Adam and I knew the kids would love it, so to prepare Adam made the kids little treasure maps that would help them find the treasure on our hike. Grayson was so funny, as we were hiking he said "Mom, do we need to look for spectacle bears?" my first thought was what the hell is a spectacle bear, anyway that is what Dora the Explorer tries to find when she goes hiking it made me laugh. My other favorite part of the hike was watching Bradley climb up the entire trail by himself, he refused to hold my hand or let me carry him. When we stopped to look at the river (and throw in a few rocks, this was Adams favorite part) Bradley would get so excited just watching the water...So we made it to the top of the trail and saw the falls. It was so pretty! Not more than 10 feet down the trail on our way back Bradley slipped in the mud and face planted, he was totally covered! He cried for a minute and then was fine as soon as I told him he could now play in the water and wash himself off. As we headed down the trail we noticed 2 hikers in the bushes signalling us to be quite and to stop. My first thought was oh great there is a bear, but we soon found out that about 10 feet away was a mom moose, 2 babies, and a male. Thank goodness we were right at a pivotal point in the trail that we could take a dirt road that would lead us back to the parking lot. As we hiked back Adam remembered that we had tucked away some money in one of the tree stumps along the trail for the kids to find as there treasure, oh well we tried right? It was a great day, I love fall I love the crisp air and I love spending time with my family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so wait.. did they find the treasure? cuz if not, I'm going up there to find it! I'm excited to hang out on sat!