Monday, October 12, 2009

Free Wifi

So after 3 years of free internet we have finally have to start searching for an internet company....dang it. So if anyone knows an affordable internet company let me know. I was wishing the days of free wifi would never end but it was to good to be true. I have to get access soon so I can't post all of the fun things we have been doing lately.


Karina Muraski said...

comcast =$19.99

Anonymous said...

major bummer dude!

The Millers said...

It was so fun to hear from you. Macie's haircut was much worse than I had pictured... good call on the hats. It's good your kids are so cute a nasty hair-cut could be so much worse!

Kellie said...

Holy Cow! Laurin how are you? Are you on facebook? Where in Utah are you? So much to catch up on, shoot me over and email or facebook me. We should totally get together sometimes, we frequent the utah scene :)