Monday, July 7, 2008

Fireworks, stiches and ice cream!

So our 4th was a little bit more eventful than planned. As we left the mall maycie had an unfortunate collision with a door. It left her with 7 stiches right in the middle of her forehead, and a five hour visit to the ER. This is the second set of stiches in 2 months, she is our accident prone child. The rest of our 4th we spent at Adams parents watching a fireworks show, eating ice cream and playing with cousins. I was so excited that grayson and maycie both watched the fireworks show without tears, poor Bradley went to sleep before the fireworks started, but he loves going to sleep at grandmas house. Since the 4th I have just turned into an over protective mom not letting the kids run, jump, or do anything that could possibly re-split maycies head open.

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